I Am A Paleontologist

This song is by They Might Be Giants.  You can see the video and hear the song here:

[pdf https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/17823174/Music%20Resources/I%20am%20a%20paleontologist.pdf 100% 700]



Commencement Music for 5th Graders

Here is all the material you need to practice.  Don’t forget to have fun, but be serious and don’t fool around.  It’s an important day for you all!

De Colores

Lyrics and Translation

Music (The quiet part in the middle is where you will give your mini speech)

The Star Spangled Banner
(Find more info about Francis Scott Key and the Battle of Fort McHenry here: http://americanhistory.si.edu/starspangledbanner/)



P.S. 78Q School Song


Music with Singers

Music without Singers